g factor (psychometrics)

The g factor, where g stands for general intelligence, is a statistic used in psychometrics to model the mental ability underlying results of various tests of cognitive ability. Developed in 1904 by psychologist Charles Spearman to account for imperfect correlations in IQ tests, this model is considered the first theory of intelligence.[1][2]

Spearman observed that schoolchildren's grades across seemingly unrelated subjects were positively correlated, and reasoned that these correlations reflected the influence of a dominant factor, which he termed "general intelligence." He developed a model in which variations in intelligence test scores are explained by two kinds of factors: first, variables specific to each individual mental task: the individual abilities that would make a person more skilled at a specific cognitive task; and second a variable g that accounts for the positive correlations across tests, representing general ability.[2][3] Current models of intelligence are complex hierarchies, some with as many as 70 different abilities. Theorists disagree about whether the appropriate model is a truncated hierarchy, resembling a mountain range, or a true hierarchy with a single general factor at the apex.[4][5]


Mental testing and g

There are many different kinds of IQ tests using a wide variety of methods. Some tests are visual, some are verbal, some tests only use abstract-reasoning problems, and some tests concentrate on arithmetic, spatial imagery, reading, vocabulary, memory or general knowledge. Observing that the correlations of these different intelligence measures were positive but not perfect, psychologist Charles Spearman hypothesized that there was a "general intelligence" responsible for the positive correlations. To quantify this he developed the first formal factor analysis of correlations between the tests. His model used a single common factor to account for the positive correlations among tests. Spearman named it g for "general ability".

In any collections of IQ tests, the test that best measures g is defined to be the one that has the highest correlations with all the others. The correlation between a test and g is referred to as the test's g-loading. The g-loading of a test is the degree to the test score reflects general mental ability, as opposed to specific skills related to the test. Most highly g-loaded tests involve some form of abstract reasoning. Therefore Spearman and others have regarded g as the perhaps genetically determined real essence of intelligence. This is still a common but not proven view. Other factor analyses of the data are with different results are possible. Some psychometricians regard g as a statistical artifact. The accepted best measure of g is Raven's Progressive Matrices which is a test of visual reasoning.[6] However, there are substantial gender differences on the Raven's[7] which are not found when g is computed from a broad collection of tests.[8]

Mental chronometry and g

Elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs) also correlate strongly with g. ECTs are, as the name suggests, simple tasks that apparently require very little intelligence, but still correlate strongly with more exhaustive intelligence tests. Determining whether a light is red or blue and determining whether there are four or five squares drawn on a computer screen are two examples of ECTs. The answers to such questions are usually provided by quickly pressing buttons. Often, in addition to buttons for the two options provided, a third button is held down from the start of the test. When the stimulus is given to the subject, he removes his hand from the starting button to the button of the correct answer. This allows the examiner to determine how much time was spent thinking about the answer to the question (reaction time, usually measured in small fractions of second), and how much time was spent on physical hand movement to the correct button (movement time). Reaction time correlates strongly with g, while movement time correlates less strongly.[9] ECT testing has allowed quantitative examination of hypotheses concerning test bias, subject motivation, and group differences. By virtue of their simplicity, ECTs provide a link between classical IQ testing and biological inquiries such as fMRI studies.

Spearman's law of diminishing returns

A number of researchers have suggested that the proportion of variation accounted for by g may not be uniform across all individuals within a population. Spearman's law of diminishing returns (SLDR), also termed the ability differentiation hypothesis, predicts that the positive correlations among different cognitive abilities are weaker among more intelligent subgroups of individuals. More specifically, SLDR predicts that the g factor will account for a smaller proportion of individual differences in cognitive tests scores at higher scores on the g factor.

SLDR was originally proposed by Charles Spearman,[10] who reported that the average correlation between 12 cognitive ability tests was .466 in 78 normal children, and .782 in 22 "defective" children. Detterman and Daniel rediscovered this phenomenon in 1989.[11] They reported that for subtests of both the WAIS and the WISC, subtest intercorrelations decreased monotonically with ability group, ranging from approximately an average intercorrelation of .7 among individuals with IQs less than 78 to .4 among individuals with IQs greater than 122.[12]

SLDR has been replicated in a variety of child and adult samples who have been measured using broad arrays of cognitive tests. The most common approach has been to divide individuals into multiple ability groups using an observable proxy for their general intellectual ability, and then to either compare the average interrelation among the subtests across the different groups, or to compare the proportion of variation accounted for by a single common factor, in the different groups.[13] However, as both Deary et al. (1996) [14] and Tucker-Drob (2009)[15] have pointed out, dividing the continuous distribution of intelligence into an arbitrary number of discrete ability groups is less than ideal for examining SLDR. Tucker-Drob (2009)[15] extensively reviewed the literature on SLDR and the various methods by which it had been previously tested, and proposed that SLDR could be most appropriately captured by fitting a common factor model that allows the relations between the factor and its indicators to be nonlinear in nature. He applied such a factor model to a nationally representative data of children and adults in the United States and found consistent evidence for SLDR. For example, Tucker-Drob (2009) found that a general factor accounted for approximately 75% of the variation in seven different cognitive abilities among very low IQ adults, but only accounted for approximately 30% of the variation in the abilities among very high IQ adults.

Biological and genetic correlates of g

The g-load of a test correlates with its heritability which Jensen has seen as supporting a genetic g as opposed to it being a statistical artifact. The degree of heritability can be estimated by, for example, examining how much inbreeding depression from cousin marriages affect a test or how much siblings differ from one another on a test.[16]

g has a large number of biological correlates.[17] Strong correlates include mass of the prefrontal lobe, overall brain mass, and glucose metabolization rate within the brain, and cortical thickness.[18][19][20] g correlates less strongly, but significantly, with overall body size. There is conflicting evidence regarding the correlation between g and peripheral nerve conduction velocity, with some reports of significant positive correlations, and others of no or even negative correlations. Some research has found the g completely mediates the relation between IQ and cortical thickness.[19][21] Current research suggests that the heritability of g is approximately 0.85 - even higher than that for IQ itself - so the heritability of most test performance is thus attributable to g.[22][23]

Brain size has long been known to be correlated with g.[22] In 2001, an MRI study on twins [24] showed that frontal gray matter volume was highly significantly correlated with g and highly heritable. A related study has reported that the correlation between brain size (reported to have a heritability of 0.85) and g is 0.4, and that correlation is mediated entirely by genetic factors.[25] g has been observed in mice as well as humans.[26]

g is connected with multiple genetic and mental disorders. Patients suffering from schizophrenia usually score lower on intelligence tests than their peers, after controlling for confounding factors such as socioeconomic status. Their intelligence scores tend to be lower, compared to general population (by as much as 15 points or 1 standard deviation), even before the onset of the disease.[27] Many chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down Syndrome, 1q21.1 deletion syndrome, Jacobsen syndrome, and others, result in decreased intellectual abilities. A 2010 study found a negative correlation between g and the total length of certain rare deletions in human genome, suggesting that a substantial share of the variance in intelligence (as much as 45% of variance in the Anglo/white sample) is explained by such deletions.[28]

Lehrl and Fischer (1990)[29] have claimed that g is limited by the channel capacity of short-term memory. Mental power, or the capacity C of short-term memory (measured in bits of information), is the product of the individual mental speed Ck of information processing (in bit/s),[29] and the duration time D (in s) of information in short-term working memory, meaning the duration of memory span. Hence:

C (bit) = Ck(bit/s) × D (s).

This theory has been tested and found wanting by Roberts et al. (1992).[30] There is much evidence that g is closely related to measures of the capacity of working memory,[31][32][33] but this capacity can not be measured in bits of information.[34]

However, initial studies attempting to find regions in the genome relating to intelligence have had little success. In 2001, a study used several hundred people in two groups, one with a very high IQ, average 160, and a control group with an average IQ of 102. The study used 1,842 DNA markers and put them through a five step inspection process to eliminate false positives. By the fifth step the study could not find a single gene that was related to intelligence. Critics of these studies say the failure to find a specific gene associated with intelligence is indicative of the complex nature of intelligence. They contend that intelligence is probably under the influence of several genes. Some estimate that as much as 40% of the genome may contribute to intelligence.[35] A 2008 study found 6 SNPs which were significantly correlated with g, though the strongest one (corresponding to the gene DNAJC13 in chromosome 3) only explained 0.4% of the variance in g.[36] As of 2011, Beijing Genomics Institute is in process of collecting volunteers with the objective of conducting a similar study.[37]

A research group from Japan has recently claimed to have found evidence which supports the view that g is a highly genetically driven causal aspect of the brain[38]:

Accordingly, our findings could furnish an argument against the typical criticisms offered by those who are opposed to the concept of g; in other words, g is an “artifact” (Simon, 1969) of the statistical methods that psychologists apply to the data. Gould (1981) argued that g, as a factor extracted from the factor analysis, is neither a “thing with physical reality” nor a “causal entity”, but is a “mathematical abstraction”, maintaining that “we cannot reify g as a ‘thing’ unless we have convincing, independent information beyond the fact of correlation itself.” Although the present study also draws information from correlations, we were able to depict the structure of human intelligence beyond the fact of phenotypic and genetic correlations with an explicit comparison between the independent pathway and the common pathway model; and as a “causal entity”, as a highly genetically driven entity.

Social correlates of g

Most measures of g positively correlate with conventional measures of success (income, academic achievement, job performance, career prestige) and negatively correlate with what are generally seen as undesirable life outcomes (school dropout, unplanned childbearing, poverty).[39] Many studies suggest that specific cognitive abilities tapped by IQ tests do not predict job performance better than g alone.[40] Research on differences in g between ethnic groups (see race and intelligence) has often sparked public controversy.

Challenges to g

In 1981, paleontologist and biologist Stephen Jay Gould voiced his objections to the concept of g, as well as intelligence testing in general, in his The Mismeasure of Man. Peter Schönemann has also argued for the non-existence of g.[2]

Several researchers have argued that even if g was replaced by a model with several intelligences this would change the situation less than some may expect. All tests of cognitive ability would continue to be highly correlated with one another and there would still be group differences on cognitive tests as a group.[41][42] It may however have implications for some arguments regarding whether such group differences are genetic such as Spearman's hypothesis.

Bringsjord (2000) argued that the science of mental ability can be thought of as "computationalism" and is "either silly or pointless," and argued that "Mental ability tests measure differences in tasks that will soon be performed for all of us by computational agents."[43]

Howard Gardner contends that the rare condition of savant syndrome argues against a single generalized intelligence. People with savant syndrome may have general IQs in the mentally retarded range but may possess certain mental abilities that are remarkable compared to the average person. These abilities include superior memory, extremely fast arithmetic calculation, advanced musical ability, rapid language learning and exceptional artistic ability. However, g does not prohibit the existence of more narrow abilities and there are a number of theories explaining savant syndrome that are not incompatible with g.[44]

An alternative interpretation was recently advanced by van der Maas and colleagues in 2006. Their mutualism model assumes that intelligence depends on several independent mechanisms, none of which influences performance on all cognitive tests. These mechanisms support each other so that efficient operation of one of them makes efficient operation of the others more likely, thereby creating the positive correlations between intelligence tests.[45] Rushton and Jensen argue that evidence for a genetic g, such as correlations between g-loadings and heritability of subtests, is problematic for the mutualism theory.[16]

See also


  1. ^ IQ Testing 101, Alan S. Kaufman, 2009, Springer Publishing Company, ISBN 0826106293 ISBN 9780826106292
  2. ^ a b c Peter H. Schonemann, "Psychometrics of Intelligence" in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, K. Kemp-Leonard (ed.), 3, 193-201: Psych.purdue.edu
  3. ^ Spearman, C. (1904). “General intelligence” objectively determined and measured. "American Journal of Psychology", 15, 201–293.
  4. ^ Stalking the Wild Taboo -APA Statement on The Bell Curve - Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns
  5. ^ Bouchard TJ (April 1998). "Genetic and environmental influences on adult intelligence and special mental abilities". Hum. Biol. 70 (2): 257–79. PMID 9549239. "Hierarchical theorists have a number of disagreements. The principal one is whether the hierarchy is truncated, thus having the appearance of a mountain range (a number of higher-order abilities with no general factor spanning them), or whether it is a true hierarchical structure with a general factor (Spearman's g) spanning the higher-order factors." 
  6. ^ Neisser U (1997). "Rising Scores on Intelligence Tests". American Scientist 85: 440–7. http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/feature/rising-scores-on-intelligence-tests/1. 
  7. ^ Lynnn, R.; Irving, P. (2004). "Sex differences on the progressive matrices: A meta-analysis.". Intelligence 32: 481–498. 
  8. ^ Halpern, D. F.; LaMay, M. L. (2000). "The smarter sex: A critical review of sex differences in intelligence". Educational Psychology Review 12: 229–246. 
  9. ^ Jensen, 1998, p 213
  10. ^ Spearman, C. (1927). The Abilities of Man. London: Macmillan.
  11. ^ Detterman, D. K., & Daniel, M. H. (1989). Correlations of mental tests with each other and with cognitive variables are highest for low-IQ groups. Intelligence, 13, 349–359.
  12. ^ Deary, I. J., & Pagliari, C. (1991). The strength of g at different levels of ability: Have Detterman and Daniel rediscovered Spearman’s “law of diminishing returns”? Intelligence, 15, 247–250.
  13. ^ Deary, I. J., Egan, V., Gibson, G. J., Brand, C. R., Austin, E., & Kellaghan, T. (1996). Intelligence and the differentiation hypothesis. Intelligence, 23, 105–132.
  14. ^ Deary, I. J., Egan, V., Gibson, G. J., Brand, C. R., Austin, E., & Kellaghan, T. (1996). Intelligence and the differentiation hypothesis. Intelligence, 23, 105–132.
  15. ^ a b Tucker-Drob, E. M. (2009). Differentiation of cognitive abilities across the life span. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1097-1118.
  16. ^ a b Rushton, J. P.; Jensen, A. R. (2010). "The rise and fall of the Flynn Effect as a reason to expect a narrowing of the Black–White IQ gap☆". Intelligence 38 (2): 213–219. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2009.12.002.  edit
  17. ^ Gottfredson, 2010. Intelligence and social inequality: Why the biological link?
  18. ^ Jensen, 1998. The G-Factor
  19. ^ a b Betjemann, et al., 2009. Genetic Covariation Between Brain Volumes and IQ
  20. ^ Shaw et al., 2006. Intellectual ability and cortical development in children and adolescent
  21. ^ van Leeuwen et al., 2009. A genetic analysis of brain volumes and IQ in children
  22. ^ a b (Jensen, 1998)
  23. ^ Bouchard, 2009. Genetic influence on human intelligence (Spearman’s g): How much?
  24. ^ (Thompson et al., 2001)
  25. ^ (Posthuma et al., 2002)
  26. ^ (Matzel et al., 2003)
  27. ^ Schizophrenia and the Myth of Intellectual Decline. http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/reprint/154/5/635.pdf. 
  28. ^ Ronald A. Yeo et al. Rare Copy Number Deletions Predict Individual Variation in Intelligence. 
  29. ^ a b Lehrl and Fischer (1990)
  30. ^ Roberts et al. (1992)
  31. ^ Ackerman et al., 2005
  32. ^ Kane et al., 2005
  33. ^ Oberauer et al., 2005
  34. ^ (Miller, 1956)
  35. ^ A Genome-Wide Scan of 1842 DNA Markers for Allelic Associations With General Cognitive Ability: A Five-Stage Design Using DNA Pooling and Extreme Selected Groups
  36. ^ Genome-wide quantitative trait locus association scan of general cognitive ability using pooled DNA and 500K single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays. L M Butcher, O S P Davis, I W Craig, and R Plomin.
  37. ^ "Volunteer - BGI Cognitive Genomics". https://www.cog-genomics.org/volunteer/. 
  38. ^ Shikishima, et al., 2009. Is g an entity? A Japanese twin study using syllogisms and intelligence tests
  39. ^ Geary, D.C. (2005). The Origin of Mind: Evolution of Brain Cognition and General Intelligence. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. ISBN 1-59147-181-8
  40. ^ Schmidt & Hunter 2004
  41. ^ Jensen, Arthur (1982) "The Debunking of Scientific Fossils and Straw Persons" Contemporary Education Review 1 (2): 121- 135.
  42. ^ Flynn, J. R. (1999). Evidence against Rushton: The Genetic Loading of the Wisc-R Subtests and the Causes of Between-Group IQ Differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 26, p. 373-93.
  43. ^ Bringsjord, S. (2000). In light of artificial intelligence, the science of mental ability is either silly or pointless: Review of Jensen's The g Factor. Psycoloquy, 11(44). Psycprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk
  44. ^ Heaton, Pamela; Wallace, GL (2004). "Annotation:The savant syndrome" (PDF). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45 (5): 899. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.t01-1-00284.x. PMID 15225334. http://www.sedsu.org/Pdf/Heaton_04.pdf. 
  45. ^ van der Maas, H. L. J.; Dolan, C. V.; Grasman, R. P. P. P.; Wicherts, J. M.; Huizenga, H. M.; Raijmakers, M. E. J. (2006). "A dynamical model of general intelligence: The positive manifold of intelligence by mutualism". Psychological Review 113: 842–861. 


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